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July 17, 2014

Conversation with the God Part II

The first part of the conversation can be found here

11. Why are the things/circumstances not according to me? 
God:  The problem is you try to control too many things. You have to realise that all creatures are independent of others wish. Even come of their actions are not as per my desire/command, still I can’t force them to behave according to my desire. Similarly they are not bound to behave according to you. Whatever they do/decide is destined to decide their fate. You don’t have right on their karma but you can surely decide your own karma.

12. Why is this difficult to follow the right path? Why don’t you help the one who are on the right track?
God:  This world is a great maya. Even the people following the right path have some worldly desires like fame and recognition. I never said that following the right path would be easy. Gold has to face the heat to clear the dirt attached to it. Similarly the more heat you face the more purified you will become. As per my Experience, its only in the difficult time people come to me and see in right direction.

13. So you create these problems and difficulties just so that people should come to you?
God:  As I replied earlier also I never demanded you to come to me. You come to me for your very own selfish motives and when you find that things are beyond your control. If you can mange your difficulties without me, its perfectly fine with me. Your worship/prayers does not increase my wealth nor do I desire name/fame in this material world.  

14. Will you help us if we come to you for help? 
God:  You ask my help to attain material/earthly possessions whereas the true salvation/mukti lies in to get free from these earthly/Mayavi affairs and return into my association. If you ask my help to get more into earthly possesssions/maya I may at times give in to your wishes as the mother gives in to the harmful wish of her children sometimes but you must realise that the things you desire and ask comes with pros/cons. So when you receive the negative side of your wish, don’t blame me for it as you are the one who asked for the wish. I cannot segregate the negatives/pain from these worldly desires.    

15. You are god you can do anything, we want only the positive and happiness in these world and not the pain/pitfalls.
God:  Now you are planning to control my actions whereas I never desired to control your actions. The positive and happiness you see in these worldly desires are mere attraction; there is related pain when you lose them. There is jealousy when anyone also possesses your achievement. I cannot control the human nature, nor can I change the law of this world. If you aspire for true happiness and pleasure, read the scriptures you will find coming to my home and connecting with me is true and perpetual happiness.

16. We see no result in worshiping and connecting with you. You are not committing to help in attaining something concrete. 
God:  As long as you worship me with any selfish motive neither you will be able to feel the happiness of connecting with me and nor you will be able to have your material achievement. If you plan to connect with me, come with a very clear mind. It’s not an easy path for perpetual happiness.

17. How does it feel like to be with you? Is it really worth trying and the hard work? 
God:  Enough description is available in scriptures how it feels to be with me. This feeling cannot be conveyed via words. You have to reach to me to have this feeling. You have to use your judgment to decide if it’s worth or not. 
18. Is there a way possible in between i.e we remain connected to this world and also a lil bit to you 
God:  You may choose how many steps you take towards me. Your extant of closeness with me or the world will give you results accordingly. If you are lil bit connected to me that don’t expect too much from me too.

19. But aren’t you supposed to be the almighty merciful and shower your blessing/help even if we choose to associate with the world and not you. 
God:  If I grant every wish of yours and support every action of humans, the earth will be much worse than the one you live in today. Yes I am kind but not foolish to fall for your arguments.  

July 8, 2014

My Conversation with God Part I

1.    Why so much unrest, corruption, greed and evil in the world? Is it your wish? Or is the Saitan more powerfull than you.
God: All this evil is created by man and his actions himself I never desired the same. The evil and Saitan also gains strengths with your actions only. :) I need not explain my supremacy :).

2.     If all the evil and bad has been created by mankind than why don’t you stop them?
God: If everything was supposed to happen as per my wish then mankind would have doubted there very existence as everything would have been as per my desire and you would have felt like puppet. Therefore I leave your actions to your sweet will.

3.    Does that mean you power the bad and evil we do?
God: I am the powerhouse. Like you are free to use the electricity in any way (you may use it to run a fan or you may use it to power sharp tools/machine) in the same way you decide the use of my power to you. You may use it for good or you may use it for bad.

4.    How does I believe you are the power house. This world is going as it is. Getting its own energy.
God: I wonder if man has evolved so much to understand the nature and energy. When you grow old the vital organs which were running your body (i.e heart, blood, mind, bones etc) remain in your body but still you go powerless, what went away???. The soul which powers your body returns to me.

You depend on sun for every source of energy. Can you claim that same was created by man? Shall I test your claimed self efficiency by taking away the sun for few days? Are you confident that you control nature?

5.    You are blackmailing us with consequences if we do not obey you.
God: Your obedience to my ways won’t bring any profits to me. Rather it will be you who will be benefited. I never blackmailed any human to follow me. Also I am allowing the world to move and supplying the power even if you go against my wishes.

6.    Why do we have to worship you? We deny you…
God: I never demanded you to worship me. You come to me for your very own selfish motives and when you find that things are beyond your control. If you do not want to follow me its perfectly fine with me there are many atheist living around you. I don’t kill every atheist.

7.    You will punish us if we don’t follow you as you have divine powers
God: You are bound to get results/fruits of your actions as per law of this world. I am not changing the law of nature now, it was always there. I followed the law and boundations when I incarnated/appeared on earth.

8.    I need equal powers as you have to control the nature.
God: Mankind has already created a mess and mis use with the existing privileges I gave to you. I could have made you weak and other living entities like animal and trees be given more privileges but I trusted you. You are yet to show me the intelligence and maturity with your existing powers. Make this world a better place then that you got and I will consider your request to increase your powers.

9.    I can never win from your smartness.
God: Question of winning and losing arises only when we are at opposite sides. Despite all your sins I forgive you always. I consider you on my side. You need not win from me. We both can live with each other being on the same side.

10.  I wonder if you really exist or is this head talking to me? I need a proof by seeing you.
God: :) :) :)
On one hand you are denying my existence and on the other hand you want to see me too. :) .
I am not unreachable and you can see me too. But I have my own terms who meets me and who does not. Just like you decide who meets you. To meet me you have to put some extra efforts. Read the books about me you will find the way to meet me. 

Part II of the conversation can be found here 

July 1, 2014

Premium under 80C

As per wording of Section 80 C deduction is allowed for

" any sums paid or deposited in the previous year" 80C(2)

Therefore if you have paid any premium in arrears or in advance during previous years you can claim the deduction of same u/s 80C in the previous in which such premiums have been paid irrespective of the years to which these premiums relate.

As the Term used is Any sum therefore as per my understanding even the late fee should be allowed as deduction,  but as per my general search on internet the experts are of the opinion that late fee is not allowed as deduction.

Also please note that 80 C deduction will become invalid if

1) Total sum assured is less than 10 times of the premium paid. 80C(3A)
2) Policy is cancelled before paying premium for 2 years (5 years in case of ULIP). Sec 80C(5)