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September 18, 2018

Choices of Karn

Dhritarashtra asks Sanjaya to narrate him the conversation that followed between Krishna and Karna . Sanjaya tells him that the words that Krishna spoke to mighty Karna were both pleasant and in conformity with Dharma. And then he goes On to narrate the conversation between the two.

Krishna at first praises Karna for being knowledgeable about the truth, dharma and the sacred teachings of Vedas. And those who are aware of the dharma and sacred teachings of dharma know that a son born to a maiden is as much a son of hers as a son born to her after marriage. And then he reveals that Karna was born to Kunti before her marriage to Pandu, and thus according to dharma, he then is the son of Pandu.

After revealing the truth about his mother and father, Krishna then tries to tempt Karna with all kinds of favours and comforts and luxuries that he will enjoy if he so chooses to side with Pandavas. Krishna tells him that if he comes with him, he will become the king, the Pandavas will recognize him as the eldest brother, for he was born even before Yudhishthira. All those who have gathered to fight in favour of Pandavas, including the Pandavas and their sons will bow down to him, and also that he will be able to approach Draupadi with her own willingness.
He will have the assistance of the Pandavas, the five sons of Draupadi, the Panchalas, and Chedis, and Krishna himself will instate him as the king and ruler of the earth.
  • Yudhishthira, the son of Kunti will only be the heir to the throne and therefore will mount the chariot only afier him.
  • Similarly, Bhimasena will hold a white umbrella above his head during his consecration, and
  • Arjun will hold his chariot.
  • Narula, Sachdeva and the five sons of Draupadi will always be there to take his instructions and act accordingly.
He, Krishna, himself will follow, Karna, if he so chooses to side with the Pandava's camp. He finally asks the mighty warrior to change his side so that he can enjoy the fruits of the kingdom along with his brothers, i.e. Pandavas and then tells him that he should make his decision to let Dravidas, Kuntalas, Andhras, Talachakras, Chuchupas, Venupas follow him. If he decides to side with Pandavas, the bards and minstrels will sing in his praise, and his decision will immensely delight his mother, i.e, Kunti. Therefore, today he must make his choice so that fraternity between him and his Pandavas brothers is established.

Karna replies to Krishna by saying that he is aware that everything that Krishna said was as a well-wisher and someone who wants his well being. He then tells him that he is aware that he is the son of Pandu, and that he was born to Kunti from the Sun, even before she was married to Pandu. But on the instruction of Sun, she abandoned him and did not think about his welfare. But it was out of affection that the Suta Adhiratha took him and gave him to his wife Radha. And it was out of affection for Karna that milk began to flow from her breast, even though she had not begotten him, and she tended to his needs as a child. And for this reason he has always thought of Adhiratha as his father and Radha as his mother, as they think of him as their son. And it was his love for Karna that Adhiratha had Brahmans performed his rites, and got him wives, through whom he (Karna) was able to enjoy the pleasure of having sons and grandsons. And for this reason his heart,
he says, tied to them with great affection, and the riches and wealth of the entire world will not be able to tempt him to do false to them.

He further Says, that Duryodhana gave him refuge when he was shunned and insulted by everyone else. And it was because of him, that he enjoyed his kingdom for thirteen years. And Duryodhana is ready to wage war against his enemies because he thinks that he(Karna) is on his side, and therefore he (Karna) has decided to fight Arjuna in the upcoming battle while being on Duryodhana's side. He adds that it would be wrong for him to betray Duryodhana for fear of death or bondage or for the greed of wealth and kingdom. And if he chooses not to fight with Arjuna and switches side just before the war, it will bring ill fame for both him and Arjuna. Karna then urges Krishna not to reveal the contents of this conversation to anyone, for if Yudhishthira were to know that Karna is the first born son of Kunti, he would never accept the kingdom even if he has won the war and will hand over the kingdom to him(Karna) who will hand it over to Duryodhana.

Krishna never hated Karna. If he would have hated him, then he would have never went to speak to him to stop the war. He knows that Karna went in wrong path only due to the time beings and not by his nature. He always wanted Karna to be with him & his brothers.
Karn was indebted to Duryodhana beyond any hope of ever getting out of that debt. In his self-pity for being a Charioter's son he had accepted something that he could never have repaid.
He failed to understand that for the one who has taken shelter of lord krishna/vishnu he is no longer indebted to the anyone in this material world neither he comes in the jurisdication of material laws/yamraaj.

When krishna taught Bhagvad gita to Arjun he at the end told him:

BG 18.63: Thus I have explained to you knowledge still more confidential. Deliberate on this fully, and then do what you wish to do.


Karna's last words were to Arjun and not Krishna,

He says to Arjun, you are a warrior and you know the dharma of a warrior, you are on the chariot while I am on the ground, be fair, remember Morality and excuse me for a moment while I take out the wheel of the chariot and get back on it .
To which it is Krishna who replies (not Arjun),
So now you are taking of Dharma and rules of fairness. That's how it happens people who have not followed Dharma or have been unfair all their life to others start taking about Dharma and morality when their bad time catches up. They don't remember dharma when they are doing misdeeds,
So Karna where did this dharma and morality go when you provoked Dusshasan to assault draupadi and drag her in the assembly
Where did this dharma and morality go when shakuni a master in dice game was playing with Yudhishtir who was a novice
Where did this dharma and morality go when with your advice Duryodhana poisoned Bhim in his childhood to kill him
Where did this dharma and morality go when you laughed at draupadi in the assembly when she was clad in a single garment and verbally abused her
Where did this dharma and morality go when several warriors surrounded abhimanyu and killed him
Why are you talking of Dharma now when you remained quite then
After this statement by Krishna karna hangs his head in shame and then picks up his bow and arrows and starts shooting at Arjun again
Karna shoots indra's vajrastra (not Shakti which was given by indra - this is vajrastra), which directly hits Arjun in the chest and he faints.
Taking advantage of the situation karna tries to get the wheel out again, but Arjun regains Consciouness and picks up his Gandiva and as Krishna shouts kill, uses Anjalika Astra and beheads Karna
This what happens when karna dies no donation of teeth or Krishna blessings karna or any other fictional story as popularized by t v serials or Shivaji Sawant in Mrityunjay.

As a god Krishna gave Karna an honorable death that is more than a life

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